Wednesday, April 17, 2013

❤ 4 Easy Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Hair Extensions ❤

You just purchased some Fabulous hair extensions from your favorite hair company. The curls are popping, the straight hair is flowing, and the waves are waving. A few weeks later, you noticed that your fabulous hair is not so fabulous. You have tried to co-wash your way back to fierce hair and deep condition/condition deep your hair. Now you see nothing is working. Let us let you in on a little secret: there is a chance that you have damaged your perfect & fabulous hair extensions.

I am here to tell you there are 4 easy ways you could have damaged your hair extensions. Are you ready to find out?!?! LETS GET IT!!!

#1 Over Heating/Over Styling: Every Hair Doll should know that if you apply too much heat to your hair extensions you can cause permenant damage. If you are constantly using a flat-iron, deep waver, heat rollers, or a curling wand (YOU NEED TO STOP!!!) Trying to style you hair with a heating tool everyday can be harmful to your hair extensions and will leave you with dry, lifeless, and dull hair.

❤ If you really, really, and desperately need that certain hairstyle everyday try different alternatives. You can use various types of rollers or rods to achieve that look such as flexi-rods.
We are not saying get rid of using your heating tools. We just want you to use it sparingly and make sure you are using a heat protectant or serum.

#2 Overload of Products: You may feel that your hair extensions might need oil, heat protectant, ultra-shine spray, straightening serum, frizz-ease spray, gel, curling cream, or other products. You have applied these products in your hair for the past few weeks and we know you are starting to get product buildup. You have just experienced product overload.

❤Hair Dolls try to understand that less products is better for your hair. If you need to use certain products throughout the week. Make sure you follow-up with co-washing, sulfate-free shampooing, or deep conditioning you hair.

#3 No Night Protection: Dolls, you may feel that you can just close those sleepy eyes and go to bed without any protection for your hair. What is night protection???? It is protecting your hair with a scarf while you sleep. It is best to use a silk or satin scarf to cover you hair extensions. This can help you avoid tangling, matting, and having to re-style your hair in the morning.

#4 Use of Dull Trimmers or Razors: Some of you may think that cutting your hair into that certain style is the best thing to do and it is!!! You need to make sure that the trimmers or razors you are using are not dull, kitchen scissors, school scissors, or house scrissors. Using these type of scissors or razors can cause split ends to your hair extensions. We know a lot of you have not thought about this. You probably thought this is not my real or nautral hair so its not going to affect my extensions. Dolls, you need to understand that if you are wearing hair extensions, you need to think of them as you real hair. Tell you the truth it is REAL HAIR!!! It might not be your hair but it is still HAIR, so treat it good. Use professional trimmers/scissors and razors when cutting or layering your hair.

Hopefully this post above will assist you in staying away from damaging your hair. Now be a DOLL & leave a comment if this was helpful or if you have a question. Also, if you have some tips you would like to share on damaged hair, Feel Free to. I encourage feedback, questions, opinions, & advice!! Make sure you read up on my other posts!!!

Until next time Hair DOLLS!!


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